Mini IVF Treatment

Sometimes, women don’t need conventional IVF treatment. The risks are high, and for the women who have issues with invasive methods, the thought of injection-based medication can be daunting.

Mini IVF procedures are exactly what they sound like. Unlike the conventional IVF treatments, the mini-IVF treatment includes a lower dose of fertility medication, typically taken through oral methods. Unlike hormone injections, these medications are generally lower in number, and they don’t cost that much either. The hormone injections are still a part of the treatment. However, they are lesser in frequency.

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Why Choose Mini-IVF Treatment

There are considerable advantages of the mini-IVF treatment over conventional procedures.

  • The primary benefit of mini-IVF treatment is the reduction in medication and henceforth, a lower associated cost. For the women who face side effects from higher medication, mini-IVF is both safer and cost-friendly.
  • Issues like injection pain and other discomforting side effects are less common
  • The likelihood of ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome reduces significantly.
  • For patients with tubal factor infertility, mini-IVF is a safer and better option.
  • Women under the age of 35 also make good candidates for this kind of treatment.

What to Expect

Unlike the conventional IVF treatment, you will not need to fear needles or blood draws. Women start taking contraceptives and oral medications. Ultrasounds and other tests are performed to check the response to treatment. When the eggs mature, injections of follicle hormone stimulation are used, and matured eggs are retrieved. They are fertilized with the partner’s (or donor’s) sperm and embryos are developed in the lab. After five days, the developing embryo is transferred to the uterus.

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